Recycle Environ Empty Containers

Sadly ,we live in an age of mass production of plastic containers that are used in every day life for such purposes such as food, beauty, household containers. As we know, a lot of these waste materials end up in land fills and sometimes in our oceans.

Although a massive effort is needed worldwide, every effort and attitude change can make a difference if enough people get involved.


Our Recycling Scheme in partnership with International Institute Anti Aging (IIAA) aims to reduce the amount of Environ containers that end up in landfill sites. 

Our Recycling Facilities are unable to recycle beauty packaging because they can contain mixed materials and elements that cause contamination. 

We will now have a special bin for empty containers than you can leave in to us, when the bin is full we will send it back to IIAA UK who will bulk send all empties to a specialised recycling company.


The good news is the containers can be re-used in other manufacturing.

Please note, only Environ containers can be accepted at this time for recycling.


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