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antioxidant free radicals

Antioxidants for Skin are like a defense system to fight off harmful molecules !

What this means is skin antioxidants kill off free radicals that harm the skin cells.


What are free radicals you may ask ?

We need some free radicals,  to a certain degree they are useful

We naturally generate them every time we breathe. They’re needed for natural energy production and to defend against infection.

However, overexposure to UV light, pollution, smoke, poor diet etc can  result in uncontrolled oxidation and cellular damage.

One puff of cigarette smoke contains over 3 trillion free radicals.

normal cell versus free radical damaged

This is where antioxidants in the form of vitamins and nutrients play a vital role. They neutralise free radicals by supplying the missing electron, preventing damage and protecting the cell.


What Key Skin Antioxidants will help protect my skin from free radicals?


  • Cannot be produced by the human body
  • Must be obtained through diet
  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Reduces the appearance of photoaged skin2
  • Quenches free radicals from UV exposure



  • Antioxidant carotenoid complexes that give plants their pigments
  • Responsible for the vibrant orange, yellow and red colours in fruit and vegetables
  • Help to deactivate free radicals
  • In a study, helped smooth rough skin by 60%
  • Protect skin against blue light



  • A naturally occurring carotenoid found in the algae flamingos eat that gives them their pink colour!
  • Commonly known for its anti-ageing properties
  • A recent study showed improvements in skin conditions at all layers when combining oral supplementation and topical treatments
  • Often hailed as nature’s most powerful antioxidant
  • Most antioxidants can handle only one free radical ata time, but astaxanthin can handle up to 19 or more !


What Key Products contain Skin Antioxidants to keep my skin healthy ?

Advanced Nutrition Skin Ultimate

contains Vitamin A, D, Skin Antoxidant , astaxanthin and biotin, Coenzyme Q10.

Environ Vita Anti oxidant AVST Moisturiser

containing Vitamin A , C and anti-oxidants.

et al intelligent Skin Cream Foundation

containing Vitamin E, skin anti-oxidants

feed fortify finish


Customer Reviews

Excellent quality of customer care! Lovely range of Jane Iredale products

Tania Q Marino, Dublin

Excellent retail price and prompt delivery.

Sharon C , Tralee, Kerry

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